About Us

Sharda University considers ‘grievance’ as a feeling of unfair and discriminatory treatment in matters of interpretation and application of policies, rules and procedures, laid down by competent authority.

The Online Grievance Redressal Portal is a platform created by Sharda University that facilitates Students / Teachers / Non Teaching Staff to lodge his or her grievance(s) and to view the status of the action taken in regard to their grievance(s) on date, and the disposal thereof by the relevant competent authority(ies) in the University. The basic aim of the portal is to ensure transparency in the conduct of the various processes in the University, besides providing a mechanism for redressal of the grievances of the complainants.

The Online Grievance Redressal Portal is not the first port of call for routine queries/issues that may be faced by Students / Teachers / Non Teaching Staff for which appropriate mechanisms and procedures are already well defined. For such routine procedures and issues the appropriate channel must be invoked.

The Portal facilitates the university to search and browse grievances lodged, monitor the action taken in regard to the complaint(s) made on the portal, as also to contact the complainant, if necessary, directly through e-mail, phone or by post.

Grievance Notification

Grievance statistics


New Grievances


Resolved Grievances


One who is a student or prospective student can lodge complaint on the Sharda Grievance Portal through login in.
One will have to register himself/herself on the user friendly University Grievance Redressal Portal and login in with his/her username and password after self-registration. Once registered, one will be directed to his/her personal dashboard, where he/she will find a button to lodge complaint. The details may be entered in ‘Lodge Complaint Form’ along with supportive documents, if any, (not exceeding 5 MB), and one will have to submit the grievance.
The complaints received on the Portal shall be forwarded to the designated authority (Spoc) of the concerned School/ Service Department who will seek to resolve the issues at their end, within a period of five working days, failing which the complaint shall be escalated to the following Student Grievance Redressal Committees for consideration/decision:
  • Any complaint in academic matter, relating to the School, Department or Centre, shall be addressed by the School level Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SLSGRC).
  • Any complaint of non-academic nature that does not relate to any academic Department, School or Centre shall be addressed by the Institutional Student Grievance Redressal Committee (ILSGRC).
  • Any complaint related to the caste / religion based discrimination shall be adressed to the Equal Opportunity Cell(EOC) of the University.
  • The above committee / cell are expected to resolve the grievance within a period of 15 days of the complaint received by them from the respective Schools/Service Departments.
In case the grievance does not get resolved at the level of SLSGRC or ILSGRC, as the case may be, the complainant may escalate the matter at the level of University Student Grievance Redressal Committee. After considering the grievance, within 15 days of the receipt of the grievance by the Committee, the Committee shall submit its recommendations to the concerned authority, with a copy thereof to the aggrieved student, for necessary compliance.
Any student aggrieved by the decision of the University Student Grievance Redressal Committee may prefer an appeal to the Vice-Chancellor who shall, within a period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the appeal, take a final view. The decision of the appellate authority shall be communicated to the complainant within the next three working days.
When one logs on the Grievance Portal, one will be redirected to the user dashboard where he/she will find a link for ‘Complaint Status’. When one clicks on the complaint status, one will find the grievance(s) lodged by him/her and its current status as well.
If the grievance does not get resolved by ones satisfaction, one may escalate the matter to the next higher body by clicking the ‘Not Satisfied’ button. He/she may also, at his/her discretion, directly contact the Grievance Redressal Cell at email info@sharda.ac.in or call on +91-120-4570000.
Prof. Niamatullah Khan (Retd.), Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia.
Email ID : nkhan1@jmi.ac.in
Mobile Number : 9899793577